On a gentleman hosting an entire web page on a Casio fx-9750GII and making it available on the public internet.
Reviewing a fun math game in Android Progressive Web App form.
Confirm your suspicions about the value of the dollar in a free and open source way.
I wrote a haiku about having seen a blue jay and black squirrel from a window in Brooklyn in the early 2000s on a Ti-89 Titanium graphing calculator and then posted the screen capture. (Why not?)
Reviewing a very busy month of August (in terms of traffic) at The New Leaf Journal.
Examining Shane Mosley’s interesting thoughts on how the confident Floyd Mayweather was motivated by fear of failure.
〜Celebrating a three digit milestone at The New Leaf Journal〜
A bit sparse… I’m working on a bigger project. (Happy New Year!)
Microsoft’s impending discontinuation of Publisher made me recall my experiences using it as the student editor of my high school paper in the late 2000s.
Bob Dylan, Chuck Norris, Endre Ady, and China and North Korea all make appearances in our fifth Sunday recommendations piece.
I respond to Victor V. Gurbo’s allegations that I run The New Leaf Journal like a dictatorship by telling the story of his tyrannical tendencies working on our high school newspaper in the mid-2000s.
〜Reviewing The New Leaf Journal’s busiest month yet and previewing the month to come〜