# Easter Egg Guide for *The Caged Vagrant* Guide by Nicholas A. Ferrell of [*The New Leaf Journal*](https://thenewleafjournal.com). See my [full review of *I, Too, Saw Dreams Through Air*](https://thenewleafjournal.com/itsdta-visual-novel-review). *The Caged Vagrant*, the first half of the *I, Too, Saw Dreams Through Air*, includes an Easter Egg for readers after completing the main game. *The Caged Vagrant* is an English translation of a freeware Japanese visual novel. While the English version does not include an Easter Egg tip, the official website for the Japanese novel points readers in the right direction. * [17's official website](https://applechair.sakura.ne.jp/17/index.php/page/dream) * [Archived version](https://web.archive.org/web/20161209011249/http://applechair.sakura.ne.jp/17/index.php/page/dream) Before continuing, I encourage readers of *The Caged Vagrant* to look for the Easter Egg content, which includes a couple of bonus scenes and a note from the author, before consulting this guide. The original Japanese tip reads as follows in Japanese: > 全部の話を読んだ後にタイトル画面が変わったでしょうか? 変わったタイトル画面の絵の中のどこかにそのページが隠されています。 ヒントは鳥です。 I cannot read Japanese. For that reason, I used Google Translate to translate the text. Below I present the translated output with a few alterations to make it read better in English: > Did the title screen change after reading the main story? Extra content is hidden somewhere in the new title screen picture. Your hint is that the secret is hidden in a bird. This hint should be sufficient. However, if you still find yourself at a loss, feel free to [send me an email](https://thenewleafjournal.com/contact/) for the answer.