“A delightful occupation that will grow dearer to your heart every day of your life.”
A full review of Save the Date, a very clever original English language visual novel with special bonuses for time-traveling psychic wizard hackers.
An essay on Tokyo changing dress code rules regarding hair color in high schools.
Victor V. Gurbo builds a nine string guitar inspired by a blues legend.
You must accept Franz Purrdinand.
MYTH, a peculiar visual novel (to put it gently) introduced a pink-haired young woman in one of its first scenes and wasted no time making clear that her hair is actually pink.
I explain how I used the free version of the UpdraftPlus plugin for WordPress to migrate The New Leaf Journal from one server to another.
I explain why I find it more than a little bit ironic that China, which previously bristled at naming viruses after real-world locations, warned the World Health Organization about an “African Swine Fever” outbreak.
I take a look at the humans.txt initiative, a humane and flexible counterpart to robots.txt.
A spoiler-filled follow-up piece on Shooting Star Hill, the story of a boy, a lonely girl, and their relationship.
I review an obscure and endearing 2005 sci-fi romance freeware visual novel.
“Fast asleep fell Madeline, / Fairy-book held in one hand, / In the other slice of cake”