The Newsletter Leaf Journal is the official newsletter of The New Leaf Journal. We use Buttondown to send our emails. Newsletters go out every Saturday and feature recaps of our content from the previous week, links from around the internet, articles from our archives, our most-visited articles from the previous week, and other assorted news and notes. We consider The Newsletter Leaf Journal a sister publication of The New Leaf Journal with its own unique content and encourage you to read.
If you would like a taste of what you can expect, you can see our past newsletters in our Newsletter Leaf Journal Archive.
We offer several ways to read The Newsletter Leaf Journal: (1) Email sign up; (2) Follow the Buttondown newsletter via RSS instead of email; and (3) A slightly modified version of the Saturday newsletter re-published here at The New Leaf Journal 1-2 days after the original. You will find links to all sign-up options below.
If you prefer RSS to email newsletters, you can also follow The Newsletter Leaf Journal with your favorite Feed Reader:
You can find the New Leaf Journal syndicated version of The Newsletter Leaf Journal in its category archive. Moreover, while I would recommend signing up for the main newsletter if you want to follow by RSS, you can obtain the RSS feed for the syndicated version of our newsletter by adding /feed to the URL. You can also add /feed/atom or /feed/json for those formats if you prefer or if your reader supports JSON feeds.
A Message From Our Mascots