This topical category is for articles and content that focus on U.S. history.
Photographs of Victory Chimes, a historic schooner, docked in Brooklyn Bridge Park. After showing the boat, I draw from several sources to learn more about it.
As of the 2024 election season, Al Gore is the youngest person to finish runner-up in a U.S. presidential election. He has held the record for 24 years. But is that THE all time record? I examine.
I examine each case in U.S. history where there were consecutive presidential elections involving a candidate running as the incumbent president.
Who wins more often in U.S. Presidentail elections: The older candidate or the younger? What if we separate out incumbent races? Let us find out…
Taking a look at the biggest age gaps in U.S. presidential election tickets between the presidential and vice presidential nominees.
Four Presidents — Hiram ULYSSES Grant, Stephen GROVER Cleveland, Thomas WOODROW Wilson, and John CALVIN Coolidge — effectively used their middle names as first names. In this article, I examine each of these interesting presidential name cases.
Former First Lady Grace Coolidge was a big baseball fan. She was not, however, a fan of intentional bases on balls.
Calvin Coolidge described seeing then-President Benjamin Harrison speak when Coolidge was in college. I decided to find the story of Harrison’s 1891 orations in Bennington, Vermont.
We begin with a patriotic bedtime story and conclude with Benjamin Franklin’s thoughts on the bald eagle vs the turkey.
Re-printing a British officer’s account of his 1827-28 visit to Benjamin Franklin’s modest grave site.
“He is the son of our present minister to Prussia, who is a close personal friend of Senator Trumbull and myself. We are not willing for the boy to be shot…”
“You made a magnificent beginning; a grand consummation is within your easy reach. Do not let it slip.”