This week saw heavy snow in New York City, which I documented in a recent post. I have some more snowy content in the works. With all the snow, however, I thought it would be refreshing to take a brief summer vacation in the form of a summer picture. There is a waterfront park in DUMBO, Brooklyn, called Main Street Park. It is a few blocks away from Brooklyn Bridge Park. Main Street Park used to host public art during the summer. On August 13, 2008, I took some pictures of the art while I was out with my distinguished New Leaf Journal colleague, Victor V. Gurbo. My favorite of these pieces was seven fish models placed in the air against the backdrop of the Manhattan Bridge. If that sounds vague, you can see for yourself below.

I have no idea what the purpose of this fish piece was, although it was certainly the least abstract of the art in the DUMBO park that summer. They are, however, fine fish models, and they looked great against the scenic backdrop of the East River, the Manhattan Bridge, and Manhattan. The fish on the top right is my favorite – he has a bit of personality. But the eel and his friend on the bottom left add some variety to the fish menagerie.
Finding Main Street Park on a Map
For those who are interested in the location of the fish art instillation in DUMBO in 2008, I pinpointed the location of the DUMBO’s Main Street Park and the exhibit on a map. The park is still there, but there are sadly no floating fish on display at the moment. The spot was very close to where I captured a cardinal picture last spring.
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