I have published many photos of Brooklyn holiday decorations at The New Leaf Journal. One holiday that we had not yet covered is St. Patrick’s Day. For whatever reason, St. Patrick’s Day does not inspire the kind of decorating that Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day inspire (consider that a ranking from most decorations to least). Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I will leave that to you to judge after laying eyes on an inflatable leprechaun that I happened across in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, a couple of weeks ago.

(I had intended to publish this on Saint Patrick’s Day, but I realized after the fact that Saint Patrick’s Day had already come and gone.)
He is certainly something. The leprechaun looks very excited as he springs from his pot of gold – one may say a bit manic. I will note that I only think it is a pot of gold – the inflatable decoration designers could have added some definition to it. It is only inductive reasoning that assures me that the leprechaun is not springing from a pot of butternut squash soup (that would be ominous).
Do we need more St. Patrick’s Day decorations like this guy? The jury may be out on that question. Sadly, when I last walked by the leprechaun, which was March 15, I found him deflated. Whether he was deflated because of a design issue or because of some rough weather earlier in the week I know not. I am also not sure whether he returned to his original glory (is that the correct term?) in time for St. Patrick’s Day.
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