June 9, 2023 Update: I closed our original Guestbook in 2021. However, I revived the Guestbook in a new form on June 9, 2023. All links in this article point to our new Guestbook. For guidance on how the new Guestbook works, please see our about page.

The official logo for The New Leaf Journal Guestbook. The text "The New Leaf Journal Guestbook" sits atop a green, textured book cover background next to the impression of a feather.

We have implemented a Guestbook for The New Leaf Journal.  You may use The New Leaf Journal Guestbook to send us your feedback, questions, or to just introduce yourself.  For you, you may access our Guestbook from the header menu or by direct link (https://thenewleafjournal.com/guestbook/).

How The New Leaf Journal Guestbook Works

We explain how the Guestbook works on The New Leaf Journal Guestbook page.  In brief, you must submit a name and an entry.  You have the option of submitting a city name and website, which will show up in your post when it is published.  You may also submit an email.  If you submit your email, you will receive an automatic notification at that address when a member of The New Leaf Journal responds to your post.  Your email will not be made public.  We are not requiring users to submit emails to use the Guestbook at this time.

As we note on The New Leaf Journal Guestbook page, all submitted entries go into moderation before being published.  There are two reasons we have implemented this system.  First, we do not want to allow spam posts to get published.  Second, we think that it is important to retain control over what gets published on site.  We reserve the right to decline to publish a Guestbook entry for any reason.  We intend to check the Guestbook daily, so most entries should be approved for publication promptly.

The Guestbook is set to display the most recent 20 entries on one page.  Once we have more than 20 entries, they will be stored on a second page.

Recommendations for Using The New Leaf Journal Guestbook

We do not have many specific guidelines for using The New Leaf Journal Guestbook.  Instead, we are excited to see how you want to use it and how it develops over time.  Below are some suggestions for how you might want to use the Guestbook, along with recommendations for making it easier for us to respond to your posts.


  • Submit General Site Feedback
  • Submit a question or feedback for a specific author (please specify the author)
  • Submit a question or feedback about specific content (please specify the content)
  • Build off another post in the Guestbook (please specify the post)
  • Questions about The New Leaf Journal site
  • Requests for new content
  • Requests for new site features
  • Just say hello (it is a Guestbook, after all)

Final Thoughts

We created The New Leaf Journal Guestbook as a new way for us to interact with you.  Furthermore, I thought it was important to create a way for people to get in touch with us without requiring the use of social media.  The Guestbook functionally replaces comments on posts – which I have decided not to allow – and also functions as a general forum for the site.

Over time, we may expand the Guestbook and add additional means of communicating with you.  For now, I hope you like our Guestbook and consider signing it.

Thank you, as always, for reading and following the development of The New Leaf Journal.