I went to vote today in New York. After receiving only one “I Voted” sticker after voting for Mr. Lee Zeldin for governor and the rest of the ticket (unlike the two I received last time I voted — also for Mr. Zeldin), I picked up an unpleasant odor while walking out of the polling location. The odor had a distinct smell, like that of a skunk. Maybe they will try to tell me that it was a skunk. But  I do not think that it was a skunk. The smell was wafting in from outside, so at least there were no skunks being harmed inside the polling location.

Voting itself was fine. There was enough turnout in the mid-afternoon that I had some trouble finding a voting booth (essentially a small standing desk with a partition in these parts). The lady who was collecting envelopes after we scanned our ballots disappeared after I scanned my ballot, but after about 30 seconds of confusion for me and another voter, she returned. All is well that  ends well.