From Datatilsynet:

[T]he message from the Danish Data Protection Agency is that if you use Google Analytics, you must put in place a plan to bring your use of into compliance by implementing supplementary measures.

Many European Union countries have taken a hard line against Google as of late. I will not summarize the entire report (you can read it for yourself), but the Danish Data Protection Agency appears to have concluded that Denmark-based sites can only use Google Analytics if they implement measures to make their particular implementations of Google Analytics comport with the GDPR. Now The New Leaf Journal is an American website and thus not bound by the GDPR. However, we value visitor privacy here. This is why we use the free and open source and 100% local Koko Analytics to see how many hits different articles and pages on site receive (see my review). If you are running a blog in a GDPR country and looking to get off Google Analytics instead of figuring out how to make it compliant with local laws and regulations, I highly encourage you to give Koko Analytics a look. For commercial sites and other projects with more robust analytics needs than what Koko Analytics offers, there are a number of self-hostable and SAAS analytics solutions (see open source Google Analytics alternatives – but note European webmasters must be cognizant of how they implement any analytics solution). Although I have never tried it because I am happy with Koko Analytics, I did come across a very convenient-looking solution for running an instance of Umami Analytics. (Note: I have no affiliation with Pikapods or first-hand knowledge of how an instance of Umami would run there, I am including the link for informational purposes for those who are studying different analytics solutions.)