I came across an interesting article by Mr. Gregory Ciotti titled How to read and organize online articles (without driving yourself crazy) (HT Hacker News). This is a subject that I am interested in, although I have focused more on reading and discovery than organization to date. I broadly agree with Mr. Ciotti’s interest in collecting articles through feeds, having the means to save them for later reading, and saving important articles and notes. However, there are two things I do not like about his 2013 approach (I encourage you to read the article for yourself to see if you agree). Firstly, I think his particular approach relies too heavily on third party services, especially of the proprietary variety. He used a commercial feed aggregator service, commercial read-it-later service, and even a cloud-based commercial note-taking service. Syncthing, which I have discussed in multiple contexts, unlocks many local-based solutions for my use-cases. For example, I can save links from my reader into markdown files on my phone which are then synced to all my devices. From my computer, I can do more complex things with these links such as turning them into New Leaf Journal material (hi!) or saving them as PDFs for long-term archiving. Secondly, I his approach has too many moving parts for my own preferences. I will reflect on a full article offering my own contemporary solutions and tips.