Re; Vivaldi Web Browser Continues Adding Every Feature, Ever

The beginning of of Mr. Joey Sneddon’s report on the new release of the Vivaldi web browser is a work of art: “Furthering its unstated, but much evident ambitions to replicate absolutely everything in existence inside itself, the latest version of the Vivaldi web browser comes with a new productivity feature.” I used Vivaldi in the very early days of The New Leaf Journal before moving in late 2020. It is the most feature-rich Chromium-based browser, but I had some issues with its performance on my Linux machines and I ultimately decided that there is no reason for me to use a closed source web browser when there are numerous open source options available (this article is being composed in Firefox). With that being said, Vivaldi’s continued expansion is impressive. It would be interesting if someone made Vivaldi (or an open-source equivalent) the center of a new OS based on Chromium OS. Vivaldi’s set-up does make sense for an system where the browser is the de-facto operating system.