The New Leaf Journal had an interesting day yesterday as I tried to add several new custom post types and features — only to briefly break the site (I think one of the plugins I wrote was not quite right), causing our caching solution (caching…) to serve a compressed zip file of our site instead of the actual site.  Fortunately, with the help of the indispensable UpdraftPlus, I was able to set things in order — albeit I had to replace the images of yesterday’s article three times (yesterday’s article is good if I do say so myself — you should read it).  There’s a lesson here.  The lesson here is probably not to write plugins for use on a live site when you are relying heavily on guides you do not fully understand.  Will I heed the lesson?  For now, maybe.

(Jokes aside — I re-thought my custom post type menagerie approach and am studying some simpler solutions to extend The New Leaf Journal’s functionality in some new and exciting ways.  Readers should have plenty to look forward to in the coming weeks once I finalize my plans.)