All links at The New Leaf Journal are a shade of blue. Back in January, I set up the site so that hovering over the links will cause them to turn red (they turned gold before the re-design). I recently noticed that the hover color change was not always working properly. I had no idea what the issue was. I noted in a recent post that the issue is always caching. The link hover issue was, like many other issues, caching-related. However, it was a different kind of caching in this place. I use Cloudron to manage our server. Cloudron comes with a Redis object cache server. I connect The New Leaf Journal to our Redis server with the Redis Object Cache plugin. It generally just works, and I am content to not ask too many questions. However, I found on one occasion when I had the link hover issue that flushing our Redis cache solved the issue. Why? I have no idea. But I will remember to check our link hover effect once daily now that I know how easy it is to fix.
Apr 2023