I read an article on Patchstack covering WordPress backup methods. I recommend having more than one way to backup a WordPress site. Patchstack covered plugins in one section:

You can find a lot of free backup plugins on the WordPress.org repository … Two of the popular choices are UpdraftPlus and WPVivid. No matter which plugin you use, the method of creating backups is pretty straightforward, as these plugins automate the process of creating backups of your website’s files, database and media files to your designated backup location.

I never tried WPVivid, but my experiences with UpdraftPlus have been positive. We have used the free UpdraftPlus since 2020 and I have restored the site from it on several occasions with no issue. I explained last year how I used UpdraftPlus to move The New Leaf Journal from our former home on Bluehost to a Hetzner VPS server (note: you can only use the free version to move a site if the domain is the same). However, people with different security postures or multiple users should study UpdraftPlus’s past security issues before deciding on it as a solution.