From a July 25, 2023 article in The Greater China Journal:

TikTok plans to launch a new e-commerce platform in early August to sell Chinese-made goods in the United States, the Wall Street Journal reported today (July 25), citing people familiar with the matter.

It should be no secret to New Leaf Journal readers that I am not a fan of TikTok and think that it should be banned. I once reviewed a privacy front-end to TikTok and advised readers not to use it because TikTok is bad. With all of this having been said, my first reaction to the news that TikTok is opening an e-commerce platform for Chinese-made goods was not my usual anti-TikTok and anti-CCP fare. Let us focus on the key point:

TikTok plans to launch a new e-commerce platform in early August to sell Chinese-made goods…

We already have an e-commerce platform to sell Chinese-made goods. It is called Amazon. I have covered social media clone wars. Do I need to work on an essay about e-commerce clone wars too?