The February 2, 1842 edition of Graham’s Magazine featured many fine pieces of fiction, literature, articles, and poetry. A few of these pieces were accompanied by illustrations. The most best of the illustrations in the issue accompanied My Bonnie Steed, a poem by Alex A. Irvine. With bonnie here meaning handsome or attractive (see the classic folk music use-case), a woman waxes poetic (literally poetic, in this case) about her lovely and lively horse. The illustration leaves no doubt that her steed was worth waxing poetic about. Below, I re-print the poem with its original illustration as it appears in the 1842 issue of Graham’s.

“My Bonnie Steed” by Alexander A. Irvine

Black and white etching of a woman riding a galloping white horse from the February 2, 1842 issue of Graham's Magazine. The illustration went with a poem called "My Bonnie Steed" by Alexander A. Irvine.
My bonnie steed, with merry speed,
   Away  we gallop free,
The first to drink the morning breeze,
     Or brush the dewy lea,
To hail the sun as o'er the hills
   His slanting ray he flings,
Or hear the matin of the lark
   That high in heaven rings.

My bonnie steed, o'er the noontide mead
   We've swept in canter gay,
Through woodland path have boldy dash'd,
   Oh! what can check our way?
With hound and horn in jocund band
   And hearts that smile at fear,
And flowing rein and gay halloo,
   We've chased the flying deer.

My bonnie steed, with matchless speed
   At eve we dash away,
The zephyrs laughing round our path
   As children at their play,
And while in merry race and free,
   Away, away we fly,
The thick stars shining overhead
   Seem speeding swifter by.

My bonnie steed, my bonnie steed,
   True friend indeed thou art,
And none are brighter in mine eye
   Or dearer to my heart.
Let others smile on gallants gay
   I mock the lover's creed,
Then onward press, away, away,
   My bonnie, bonnie steed.