I will be handling all of our content recommendations from around the web this week. This week’s edition will be a bit different than previous entries in the series. I will begin with six external content recommendations covering a variety of subjects. The content is fresh this week – with all of the articles being published in the past two weeks.

In the last week, I wrote two articles inspired by recent news articles that I had not previously recommended. Thus, I included links to my two articles, which in turn link to additional content recommendations from around the web.

Finally, I recommend a June article from our own archive that is very tangentially related to one of the new content recommendations from around the web.

Nicholas A. Ferrell’s Content Recommendations From Around the Web

Patch: “Billions of 17-Year Cicadas Set to Emerge in NY in 2021”

By Matt Toutman. January 22, 2021.

See Content.

It looks like things are going to be loud this spring and summer in Central Park, Staten Island, and the Bronx.

The Asahi Shimbun: “Osaka zoo’s ‘miracle’ roosters become stars instead of prey”

By Kengo Yasui. January 30, 2021.

See Content.

The inspiring story of Masahiro and Yoshito, who went from being food for animals at the Osaka Tenmoji Zoo to the star attractions for visitors.

Eurasianet: “Azerbaijan and Turkemnistan agreement advances Caspian gas cooperation”

By David O’Byrne. January 22, 2021.

See Content.

Turkmenistan is a mid-sized country in Central Asia with just more than 8,000,000 people. It seldom reaches the news outside the region. However, as the article notes, Turkmenistan sits atop the fourth largest proven natural gas reserves in the world, “nearly 10 percent of the world’s total.” These reserves remain largely under-utilized, but that may be gradually changing.

Apple Daily: “As Adobe Flash stops running, so do some railroads in China”

January 17, 2021.

See Content.

Content from Apple. Not Apple the technology company, however. Let this article serve as a reminder to New Yorkers that as bad as the MTA is, it could be worse.

Daily Caller: “World Health Organization Official Said It Is ‘Too Early’ To Conclude That Coronavirus Originated From China”

By Chuck Ross. January 26, 2021.

See Content.

Am I going to need to do a follow up to my May article on why it is important to acknowledge where the Wuhan coronavirus came from? In any event, well-reported piece as usual by Chuck Ross.

The Taipei Times (via The Guardian): “Fossil divers discover lair of prehistoric giant worm.”

January 23, 2021.

See Content.

“The creature may have been similar to the ferocious Bobbitt worms of today, which lie in wait in sandy seafloor burrows with antennas protruding to sense passersby.” Unsuspecting fish who would have been torn asunder by the 20-million year old worm breathe a sigh of relief that its lurking days have long since passed.

Content That Would Have Been Included Had I Not Written About It Already

In the last week, I wrote two short New Leaf Journal articles about external-site articles that I would have otherwise included here. I will note them below.

The New Leaf Journal: “From Planes to Trains in Switzerland”

Nicholas A. Ferrell. January 26, 2021.

See Content.

This piece is based on a Euronews article about some out-of-work commercial airline pilots in Switzerland converting to working as train engineers. Link to the original included in the article.

The New Leaf Journal: “Interesting Case on Japan’s Dual Citizenship Ban”

Nicholas A. Ferrell. January 27, 2021.

See Content.

This piece is based on an Asahi Shimbun report about a Tokyo District Court decision dismissing a Constitutional challenge to Japan’s prohibition of dual citizenship. The piece includes a link to the original article and other relevant resources in addition to my own commentary.

The Old Leaf Journal 〜 Recommendation From Our Archive

The New Leaf Journal: Keep the Pet Millipede From Drowning

Nicholas A. Ferrell. June 1, 2020.

See Content.

This week’s prehistoric carnivorous aquatic worm content reminded me of an article that I wrote in June. I began the article by noting the discovery of a 425 million year old millipede. Rather than rehash what had appeared in news reports, however, I treated the story as a prompt to discuss something interesting that I had read about pet millipedes. Included in the post is a classic millipede illustration in The Century Dictionary.