For our twelfth week of review, I have two articles to discuss along with our first edition of The Newsletter Leaf Journal. Without further ado, let us begin.

New Content

Due to work, I was only able to publish one article since the last weekly update. Victor also pitched in with a long piece about is TikTok work. While we like quantity at The New Leaf Journal, quality is what is most important – and I think both articles, discussed below, are worth your time.

Capos and TikTok

On Tuesday, Victor published “Capo vs Capo, a TikTok Debacle.” In this post, he offered a story of his most successful TikTok video and the discussion it created about how to properly pronounce the word “capo.” Come for the story about Victor’s TikTok guitar riffs, and stay for the musings on how words acquire different pronunciations in new lands.

Book cover for "Aria da Capo:  A Play in One Act," with very different subject matter than Victor's "Capo vs Capo, a TikTok Debacle" article.
Book cover for “Aria da Capo: A Play in One Act,” clipped from Project Gutenberg. Although I have yet to read the 1920 one-act play, I assume with some confidence that the subject matter is quite different than Victor’s Capo vs Capo TikTok article.

You’re the Model, I’m the Model Maker

On Wednesday, I published a “The Model and the Model Maker.” In this article, I return to my high school days to reflect on an amusing exchange in a peculiar “class.” The story begins with a strange quote, and ends with my thoughts on finding something of value in events that may seem like amusing curiosities at the time.

First Edition of The Newsletter Leaf Journal

Last Sunday, we sent the inaugural edition of The Newsletter Leaf Journal. You can read it in our newsletter archive at TinyLetter. We will be sending our second newsletter tomorrow. If you are interested in receiving our newsletters going forward, please be sure to sign up at our newsletter sign-up page.

Parting Shots

For the first time in a while, I did not make any changes to the design of the website over the past week. The site logo continues to be a work in progress, and should be posted in the near future. Besides that, I look forward to a week of more content for you to enjoy, so be sure to check in from time to time. I will report back with new news from The New Leaf Journal next week.