Plants have a way of growing in unexpected places. Mushrooms grow on sticks floating down streams (and in other surprising places). Small plants grow on the Manhattan Bridge or on top of tenement buildings adjacent to the Bridge. Since spring has sprung along with a few crocuses, tulips, and flowering trees, I thought that it would be a fine time to check in on a few plants growing in generous nooks in concrete barriers. I took the following photos on September 2, 2021. While these plants grew in the very late summer, they fit the theme of this season well. (All three photos re-touched by Victor V. Gurbo and compressed by me.)

A small green plant growing on a concrete barrier - photographed by N.A. Ferrell.
A small green plant growing on a concrete barrier - photographed by N.A. Ferrell.
A small weed growing on a concrete barrier - photographed by N.A. Ferrell.

The three photos all came from the same place. I do not remember with 100-percent certainty where in Brooklyn I took the photos, although my best guess is that they came from the periphery of Red Hook, Brooklyn.

Regardless of where precisely I found the nook plants, I did find them to be charming – and I tip my hat to whoever decided to set up little patches of dirt for whatever might happen to blow in.