“‘Nor myrrh, nor frankincense, nor gold,’ said the angel, ‘is offering more meet for the Christ Child than these pure Christmas Roses.'”
Reviewing a fun math game in Android Progressive Web App form.
〜A NO STANDING sign leads by example by NOT STANDING〜
The free and open source hosts blocker, hBlock, successfully stood athwart my endeavors to purchase health insurance through the New York State website.
〜New AND improved〜
〜One end other end〜
〜There’s a bit to digest here〜
〜”Your business is going places the BQE can’t take you”〜
Pidgeons need not fly the chicken coop when Brooklyn restaurants leave chicken coop-esque “dining sheds” for pigeons to explore.
〜Long live the King Baby?〜
Detailing my markdown-centric article writing workflow at The New Leaf Journal.
〜”bumpkin fowl”〜