A former New York Mayor ran again after concluding a 4-year prison stint for actions during her previous stint as Mayor. Hilarity ensued in her inspiring attempt at a political comeback.
“Till I heard, like sweet bells chiming, / The song the raindrops sing.”
On the brief NBA career of Shawn Respert – who secretly played through treatment for stomach cancer
〜Is hair a part of you? Or is hair the whole of you?〜
〜Blobbing in the wind?〜
〜An ambitious visual novel review project begins〜
Victor V. Gurbo offers a Quarantine Sessions double-feature with two recordings of Seven Spanish Angels.
I make the case that skateboarders should learn how to ride their skateboards in a straight line before they start auditioning for the X Games.
〜A search for an article reaches a good end〜
〜Give a plant an inch and watch it take a few more inches〜
〜A contemporaneous portrait of an 1860 Lincoln miniature authored by the painter himself〜
〜On artisanal content creation and humane web design〜