An argument for leading unsuspecting video game players into Death Knight’s loving embrace.
Of capos, models, capos, and model makers.
〜Yo! You’re the model and I’m the model maker!〜
Tomato, tomato. Capo, capo. A TikTok success story or more of a debacle?
Cover of Quantity Cookery: Menu Planning and Cooking For Large Numbers. We hope The New Leaf Journal menu planning brings large numbers.
An observant misanthrope muses about being lucky enough to share a neighborhood with Matt Damon and his moving crane.
〜Early impressions of a privacy-friendly analytics solution for The New Leaf Journal, replacing Google〜
“With that being said – please ring the bell next time you have a delivery for me.”
Reflecting on Emperor Constantine XI’s final prayers at the Hagia Sophia on the eve of the fall of Constantinople.
New content, new newsletters, and new articles to look forward to
I turned to art to illustrate the concept of Descartes’ “clear and distinct idea” using a truth tree. Really, it’s a tree, not a mushroom cloud.
I examine the case of a successful show not using Twitter and wonder whether Twitter is actually necessary for promoting online media and writing.