Re; Insomnia Diaries:  TikTok and Lucille Bogan (by Victor V. Gurbo).

My co-editor, Victor V. Gurbo, recently posted an article about his discovering a dirty 1935-Blues recording on TikTok while suffering from insomnia.  While editing the post for publication, I chanced upon a reference to me.  Victor wrote:

My co-editor, Nicholas Ferrell, has often taken issue with my so-called “TikTok addiction.  Perhaps he will change his tune now that it has led to an article submission.

Victor V. Gurbo

Since The New Leaf Journal is a multidisciplinary publication, I decided that I should respond to his musings with something more than mere words.  Victor, for example, has graced The New Leaf Journal with an ongoing series of music videos.  To be sure, I have submitted photographs and TI-89 graphing calculator captures with my posts, but where is the variety in my art?  Behold, below I answer the question with art – Has Nicholas Ferrell changed his tune on Victor’s TikTok usage?

"Tik Tok No" art created by N.A. Ferrell in Microsoft Paint.
N.A. Ferrell created “Tik Tok NO” in Microsoft Paint.

There you have it.  “Tik Tok No.” My issues with Victor’s TikTok usage remain.  With that being said, his article on discovering the salacious lyrics of Lucille Bogan is quite funny and interesting.  If you have not done so already, go read it now and tell Victor about it so he can get a good TikTok-less night’s sleep for once.  To do anything less would be to allow TikTok and its Chinese Communist Party overlords to win.  We cannot have that.  I will conclude here, lest this short response to Victor transmogrifies into another joke at the expense of the government which subjected the world to a virulent viral plague.