A tag for posts about or otherwise featuring anime series airing in 2023.
It is December 2024. That means it is time to publish some “additional” anime awards for 2023. (That is not supposed to make sense, this is a very late article.)
I commemorate the unexpected dominance of my first two articles about hair color in A Sign of Affection in our February article ranking with a history of my anime/manga/game hair color project. Let’s start in 2012…
N.A. Ferrell ranks the top six anime series that concluded in 2023, lists honorable mentions, and gives several category-specific awards.
With season 2 of The Dangers in My Heart just around the corner, I review season 1 of the middle school romance with an antisocial boy and a popular model.
Inspired by a series of recent blog posts, I offer a proposed set of best practices for media review scoring systems.
Examining the significance of Liu Shouxe’s naturally silver hair in the Raven of the Inner Palace anime series.
Examining unusual hair colors in the main characters of Ming China-inspired The Apothecary Diaries.
Are the reports of Japan’s population decline greatly exaggerated? Justin looks to 2023 anime series for the answer.
I wade into a spirited debate about GoHands’ animation techniques in episode 1 of The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses.
A new anime series tackles naturally brown hair, dyed brown hair, and Japanese school dress and grooming codes in two interesting scenes.
I review an anime series primarily for its interesting concept… but it is a decent series in its own right, granting its faults.
A comprehensive review of the recently completed anime series, “The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten”