A tag for all articles covering anime series that air in the twelve months of 2024.
I commemorate the unexpected dominance of my first two articles about hair color in A Sign of Affection in our February article ranking with a history of my anime/manga/game hair color project. Let’s start in 2012…
Having looked at the changing hair color of the two protagonists of A Sign of Affection, Yuki and Itsuomi, I examine the hair color of Itsuomi’s high school friends, Shin Iryū and Ema Nakasono.
Examining the promotion of “Pinstagram” as a tool for social climbing in school in season two of Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki-kun.
Episodes 2 and 5 of A Sign of Affection indirectly established that main characters Yuki Itose and Itsuomi Nagi dye their hair. Episode 7 brought further notes about their hair color and one on Itsuomi’s friend, Shin Iryū.
Episode 5 of the A Sign of Affection anime adaptation provided definitive proof that one of the two main characters, Itsuomi Nagi, has been dying his hair. I examine the evidence.
Examining overwhelming circumstantial evidence of Yuki Itose’s use of hair dye in the first two episodes of the A Sign of Affection anime adaptation.
Examining unusual hair colors in the main characters of Ming China-inspired The Apothecary Diaries.