I was walking along in a light rain on the afternoon of August 13, 2020, 10 days after the area had been hit by far more inclement weather. Although the rain was light, New York City streets tend to collect pockets of water in the slightest of drizzles. Normally, there would be little reason to take any note of a street puddle. However, in this case, I found a single pigeon, with no other pigeons nearby, wading in the puddle. You will find three pictures below.

A gray and black pigeon standing in a puddle in the street next to a storm drain in Brooklyn Heights.
Pigeon in a puddle. Edited by V. Gurbo.
A gray and black pigeon standing in a puddle in the street next to a storm drain in Brooklyn Heights. It is leaning down as if to drink from the puddle.
Pigeon still in a puddle. Also edited by V. Gurbo.
A gray and black pigeon standing in a puddle in the street next to a storm drain in Brooklyn Heights. It is leaning down as if to drink from the puddle. It is drinking from the puddle.
Pigeon still in a puddle, but now drinking from the puddle. Also edited by V. Gurbo.

For the brief time I observed the pigeon, it walked back and forth in the puddle. It stopped on one occasion, pictured above, to take a drink. While I do not know precisely why the pigeon was wading in a puddle, it did seem to be enjoying the weather and what resulted from it. In any event, the pigeon both cooled its heels and waltzed its way into The New Leaf Journal.

(Alternatively, perhaps the pigeon was having a philosophical epiphany, much like the man with the hose.)