I have seen many businesses, big and small, come and go in my nook of Brooklyn over the past couple of decades (I have roughly dated myself in these pages). There are many businesses I never frequented but which were still a small part of my daily walks. Sometimes I even feel a little something when I see that one of these businesses is no more. Take for example a now-defunct local Mom and Pop shop in Brooklyn Heights, Ageless Men’s Health.

Photograph of empty brownstone store front at 153 Clinton Street in Brooklyn Heights. Between a window and a door on the ground level is a sign for Ageless Men's Health, the former tenant. To the right is a sign for the realtor with a phone number to call for prospective buyers.

This now closed medical (of sorts) office was found at 153 Clinton Street in Brooklyn Heights, between Schermerhorn and State Streets. It was but a short stones throw from where I documented a fallen high-visibility ONE WAY sign back in 2022. I do not know when precisely it opened or I otherwise first noticed it, but I did note when it closed. The location stood out because it is on the ground level of a residential building and otherwise surrounded by other residential buildings. When I saw the for sale sign I thought to myself:

I guess it wasn’t ageless after all.

Back when the clinic was open, I appreciated how the name was somewhat euphemistic in the way that the old “ED” commercials were before advertisers broke away from the short form and began living their best lives. Without ever looking into it further, I ascertained that the name of the clinic referenced testosterone treatment. Not content to rely on my hunch, I checked its website and confirmed that their most prominent offering does appear to be testosterone replacement therapy (often shortened to “TRT”) and the smiling, fit middle aged men pictured on the site homepage appear to be satisfied with the results of their treatment. It also pitches weight loss services, but I will venture those too are tied with the testosterone treatments (I could be wrong but I am not invested enough to dig into the matter).

Astute readers may wonder why Ageless Men’s Health has a website even though it is closed. I was not previously aware that there are multiple Ageless Men’s Health clinics, but it appears to be a national brand. Moreover, my brief look at the website revealed that the Brooklyn Heights location moved a a short walk away to the Brooklyn Heights side of Atlantic Avenue at 161 Atlantic. I have never gone into 161 Atlantic Avenue, but I am aware that it is a building hosting a number of medical and medical-adjacent offices. Despite having walked past it numerous times since being aware of Ageless Men’s Health leaving its Clinton Street location, I have not noticed a sign for it on 161 Atlantic. This could be evidence that (A) I do not pay attention to the goings on at 161 Atlantic; (2) Ageless does not have its sign up yet; and/or (3) Ageless fits in much better there than it did surrounded on all sides by classic Brooklyn Heights historic district residential buildings.

Having learned that Ageless Men’s Health moved instead of closed, I must modify my earlier rejoineder that the clinic was not ageless. Its Brooklyn Heights office simply underwent building replacement therapy (BRT).