Somehow, an anime about people playing a virtual reality video game leads into a discussion of the Soseki-tsuki ga kirei legend.
Himari Ishikura in the “I’m Getting Married to a Girl I Hate in My Class” has blonde hair. I studied the anime to get to the bottom of how her hair color is understood in-world.
Let’s check in on how we started 2025 with one of our busiest months to date.
Recalling the time a friend tried to sell me on the TV show “24” by writing a long dialogue in AIM using emojis to depict protagonist Jack Bauer.
Handing out specific category awards for the best anime of 2024.
I rank what I think are the six best TV anime of 2024 along with 15 notables and honorable mentions.
I take a second look at the flagship Pixelfed instance more than four years after publishing a “first impressions” review.
Despite being elected to their second terms 20 years apart, Presidents Donald Trump and George W. Bush won 44 states in common in 2024 and 2004 respectively. I take a closer look at the top-line results.
We have covered rotting pumpkins. Today I cover a pumpkin in a hat standing bravely athwart the January elements, hanging on longer than any pumpkin should have to.
Too often, decorative pumpkins are left outdoors to rot in later months. But sometimes, as I saw in Carroll Gardens on December 19, 2024, the Pumpkin Taker does his job.
Toto seeks to dominate the U.S. toilet market. That will be hard when you can find free “hardly used” toilets for the taking while walking through Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn.
A short post on enabling a new Charging optimization feature on my GrapheneOS-powered Google Pixel 6a which I suppose doubles as a PSA.