A super-category for personal anecdotes and stories from New Leaf Journal authors and writers.
〜Or so I overheard… but was it true?〜
〜Are ladybugs supposed to be on televisions?〜
〜Why do people refuse to dim their bright car lights?〜
〜The blinding headlights of Brooklyn evenings〜
〜A reflection on living under 2 of the 21 gubernatorial resignations under pressure in U.S. history – Spitzer in 2008 and Cuomo in 2021〜
〜Don’t look into the light〜
〜Something is off here…〜
A short piece on the benefits of bringing hot coffee on summer walks.
〜Installing LineageOS on a 2013 Google Nexus 7 and getting to the root (pun intended) of matters〜
Overheard on the street in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn: “Like and like basically like…”
I question Victor V. Gurbo’s strategy of fighting critics of Bob Dylan’s singing voice by taking the low ground and charging into the Sun.
Overcoming a peculiar Ghostwriter segmentation fault on Manjaro Linux with the help of the Internet Archive.