With Halloween in the rear-view mirror, festive homeowners turn their attention to Thanksgiving. I was walking in the Carroll Gardens neighborhood of Brooklyn (a place known for inflatable decorations), New York City, close to where it segues into Red Hook. A large, inflatable turkey in front of a home caught my attention. The purpose of the inflatable turkey was made clear by the fact that it is wearing a pilgrim hat and has Happy Thanksgiving written on its stomach. But there was something else about the turkey that compelled me to catalogue it in The New Leaf Journal:

A photograph of a tipped-over inflatable Thanksgiving turkey in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn.
I took the photo with my Pixel 3a XL (running LineageOS) on November 16, 2022.

Turkey down!

(It has been too long since we published good fallen things content.)

The turkey was tipped over, reclining on its multi-colored tail rather than its posterior. While we have covered fallen things cases where it was unclear why the thing was fallen, the evidence in this case is on the turkey. If you look closely at the photo, you will see that there are drops of water on the turkey (easier to see in higher resolution version). Brooklyn saw rain and high winds the evening before my morning walk. Our hardy Thanksgiving turkey friend most likely tipped over in the inclement whether.

Other than being tipped over, Mr. Gobbles appears to be un-damaged. I expect to see him returned to his proper orientation well before Thanksgiving. (We trust do to his inflatable nature, he will survive Thanksgiving much like Calvin Coolidge’s raccoon.)