A short preview of what’s to come.

There is a well-known manga and anime series called Your Lie in April. I watched the anime series when it aired in in late 2014 and early 2015. While I found the show irritating despite its excellent audio-visual direction and some strong moments (hence why it was not in my anime recommendations article), it was generally well-received by critics. My purpose in bringing Your Lie in April up is not to review it, however, but rather to note that it inspired the project documented in this article. To understand how it inspired my first photography-story post, I need only note two things. Your Lie in April featured an event in April, and the protagonist of the show was a traumatized young piano prodigy.

Thinking back to the show, I was inspired to create a photo series using my Danbo figurine, hatchling figurine, and my antique piano cigar box. While I had planned to post the project in April, it was delayed to the first day of May. For that reason, my statement in the March 28 edition of The Newsletter Leaf Journal that I would post it in April ended up being my lie in April.

Without further ado, let us proceed to the photo shoot.

Explaining the Hatching and Danbo Piano Recitals

I took all of the pictures of the piano recital with my Koadk PIXPRO AZ421 digital camera.

The No. 6235 Piano Cigarette Box was made by Nosco Plastics, according to the very old box. I purchased it at the same antique and collectibles store that I found a lovely pressed butterfly and flowers on canvas piece.

Danbo is a cardboard box robot that first appeared in the manga series Yotsuba&!.

The hatchling was made by Flying Tiger Copenhagen.

Three of the four kokeshi dolls in the background were made in Japan by Usaburo. The lucky cat was made by Yokohama.

I move on to the photo shoot now. Context is overrated, therefore no further context is needed.

The Hatchling and Danbo Piano Recitals

A toy hatchling plays a piano as a larger stuffed chick watches.
A hatching gives an impromptu piano recital. That I forgot to take the tag off indicates how young she is. A true prodigy.
Two danbo and a few kokeshi dolls watch a hatchling play piano.
Danbo, a very inspired Danboard, is moved by Hatchling’s piano performance.
A Danbo plays a piano in front of kokeshi dolls and a larger Danbo.
Danbo takes over on the piano. The crowd goes wild.
A Danbo and hatchling play the piano together as a lucky cat watches over them.
Hatchling and Danbo team up on the piano. Nelson the chick and Speaker Danbo look on.
Hatchling and Danbo play the piano together in front of an audience of a chick, a larger Danbo, and four kokeshi dolls.
The crowd is moved by the Hatchling-Danbo piano duet. The big Danbo appears to be a speaker. Is the sound coming from him?
A Danbo plays the piano in front of an elephant, cat light, large dDanbo, four kokesi dolls, and a chick.
A change of venue. Danbo gives a stirring piano performance. Where did the elephant come from?
Danbo and hatchling play the piano together.
Danbo sees his friend Hatching. He knows what to do. Danbo and Hatchling perform another piano duet.
A Danbo and hatchling stand inside of a piano next to a larger stuffed chick and Danbo.
Bravo! Take a bow, Nelson, Danbo, Hatchling, and Speaker Danbo!