I run the EndeavourOS operating system with the XFCE desktop environment on my main desktop. After discovering Ulauncher while installing Bodhi Linux on an old Macbook, I started using Ulauncher with XFCE on my own computer. This led to a review of a markdown table generator extension for Ulauncher. However, Ulauncher stopped launching for me after installing EndeavourOS updates yesterday. I cannot go back to using a mouse-based system for launching apps, so I decided to look into my default keybindings for the first time since setting up my EndeavourOS install last August. By default, XFCE has a nice set of launchers (I added the Whisker menu to the list) and the default keybindings are tolerable, but I will modify them a bit for my own use. I am interested in trying Rofi with XFCE, but I need to figure out how to make it display correctly with my two-monitor set-up (note I have never really used Rofi seriously).

(I do need to find a replacement for the nifty markdown table creator, however.)