From “Amazon calls it quits on newspaper and magazine subscriptions for Kindle and print
Laura Hazard Owen for Nieman Lab.  March 16, 2023.

It doesn’t matter whether they’re for your Kindle or in print — starting this week, Amazon is no longer selling newspaper and magazine subscriptions.

Publishers were alerted to the coming change in December, and subscribers were notified last week. (If you have any of these subscriptions, you can see the timing for how they’ll be phased out; you won’t lose money.)

I used to subscribe to the Washington Times on Kindle. It offered a reasonably pleasant reading experience (see my tip for getting the most out of newspaper RSS subscriptions). Noting that I am a well-documented fan of RSS/ATOM feeds and e-ink readers, we could use a good open source and non-Amazon dependent solution for reading news. My PocketBook e-readers have a built-in RSS reader, but I would not use it. I may take a look at KoReader’s RSS functionality. An interesting idea may be using Calibre’s feed functionality to create publications for reading on mobile. I will have to think about the issue a bit more. (Note that I manage my main feeds with Android readers and would want something similarly full-functioned or linked on an e-ink device — see my recent post on an e-ink display for Android devices.)