Below, you can see all the different places I post writing and media around the internet. Where applicable, I will include an feed (see my introduction to feeds and my argument for why you should use a feed reader). Speaking of feeds, you can follow all of my writing on sites with feeds (in addition to my friend Victor V. Gurbo) from our static feed aggregator site.

You can also see my on-site digital business card here.

The New Leaf Journal (regular)RSSAtomJSONAll of my regular articles here at The New Leaf Journal. Alternatively, you can subcribe to our main RSS feed for all New Leaf Journal articles.
The Emu Café SocialRSS, ATOM, JSONThis is a second WordPress site I run. It is dedicated to short-form posts. If you use Mastodon or a different ActivityPub-based service, you can follow me at @naferrell.
The Newsletter Leaf Journal (NLJ Newsletter)RSSI write all of our newsletters – so I figure that it is safe to include with my RSS feeds. For those of you who prefer email, it is a newsletter.
Pixelfed SocialAtomPixelfed is a federated Instagram alternative. You can follow my account from another federated social account or via its Atom feed.
MastodonRSSMastodon is a Twitter-like federated social media platform. I usually use this account to share my writing.
BlueskyRSSI recently created a Bluesky account. I will usually use it to share articles.
XN/AI use our official Twi… I mean X account, to share New Leaf Journal articles. You can generate a feed for it with Nitter if you are so inclined.
InventaireRSSInventaire is a social book sharing site for physical books. I will add books to it as I start reading them. If you are on the Fediverse, you can follow me at @naferrell.
Hacker News SubmissionsAtomI sometimes submit posts to Hacker News (not my own posts, mind you – I leave that to others). You can keep up with my submissions via Atom.
Hacker News FavoritesAtomSee posts that I “favorite” on Hacker News.
Open LibraryN/ASee what I am reading on my Open Library profile. I also contribute edits – which you can track here. There is no feed, but you can add my profile to your bookmarks.
Tiny GemN/ATinyGem is a bookmarking service. I make my bookmarks public. There is no feed, but you can add my profile to your bookmarks and check back regulary to see what I am reading.
MindsN/AI post New Leaf Journal to Minds, a FOSS social media platform that unfortunately does not produce a feed. You can follow it from Mastodon or the like at @nafnlj
AlternativeToN/AI am a contributor to AlternativeTo, a terrific application database. Unfortunately, it does not output feeds. But my homepage link shows my activities.