A windy day in New York City - by N.A. Ferrell.
It was a windy week in New York City – perhaps the subject of a couple of future articles. Composition by N.A. Ferrell.

Victor and I have been busy for the last few days, so today’s weekly update will be brief, covering only our three most recent posts at The New Leaf Journal.

New Content

We have posted three new articles since the NLJ Week in Review 13.

First, I published “CNN Hides the Fruit of Forbidden Knowledge” on August 2. CNN is fond of telling us that an apple is an apple, but what if CNN has a special apple that it does not want us normies to know about? In the post, I discussed whether CNN is hiding a secret word when it refers to a class of persons including within its ambient “individuals with a cervix.”

Second, Victor published “The Little Stream Mushroom” on August 4. Victor recounted encountering a mushroom growing from a stick in the middle of a fast-moving stream. You can read Victor’s reflections from his solitude and see his photograph of the event in his article.

Third and finally, I published “Tik Tok for TikTok on Federal Government Devices.” As readers of The New Leaf Journal may know, TikTok has been discussed here by our resident TikTok star and yours truly. In this post, I covered the vote of the United States Senate to ban TikTok from federal devices along with addressing whether Victor is a fed.

Site Updates

During the week, I changed the plugin that we use for social sharing buttons on posts. You will find the buttons below our content but above the author boxes (I may look into placing them below the author boxes in the future). In addition to being more aesthetic and working better for content sharing, the buttons are very lightweight and have little-to-no impact on site loading times. At the moment, we have easy-sharing options for Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, along with a button to print the on-page content or obtain the link to our RSS feed.

I will re-implement links to our social media pages in the next week or two.

Parting Shots

Victor and I may have another busy week ahead, but we will work to ensure that there are at least three to four pieces of new content over the next week. I do not expect to make any significant changes to the site other than possibly re-adding links to our social media pages. We look forward to reporting back to you next week with content summaries and site news.

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