Christmas is a distinctly December holiday. Yet holiday preparations often begin in earnest long before the occasion in question (this is especially true in the cases of Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day). In New York City, sidewalk-constricting Christmas tree stands begin to take root in November. Below, we get thoughts on November Christmas trees from The New Leaf Journal’s resident fictional dialogue duo, Justin and Justina (see all of their dialogues). Today’s dialogue features Justin and Justina crossing paths with a man carrying a Christmas tree in Brooklyn on November 26, 2022. What will their (really, Justin’s) take be on buying Christmas trees in November? Let us find out.

Against buying Christmas trees in November

Justina: Wow, that guy is strong.
Justin: What guy?
Justina: Look across the street, that guy is carrying a huge Christmas tree.
Justin: I’m upset.
Justina: Because he’s stronger than you?
Justin: Not just that.
Justina: That was supposed to be a joke…
Justin: What day is it, Justina?
Justina: Saturday.
Justin: No, I mean what day of what month is it?
Justina: Uh, it’s still November, right? I think it’s the 26th.
Justin: I see, 4-5 days until the end of the month.
Justina: Right.
Justin: Now what day is Christmas?
Justina: Is this a trick question?
Justin: Our ordinary Christmas.
Justina: …Is this some thing about how it’s too early to buy a Christmas tree?
Justin: It is. It’s way too early. That thing is going to be dry as a tree left out until the spring before Christmas.

An April 2021 photo of a dry Christmas tree left outside in Brooklyn Heights.
My April 2021 photo of a dry Christmas tree in Brooklyn Heights — which I featured in its own article.

Justina: I guess… my family usually got a tree about two weeks out.
Justin: Terrible stuff. This is what happens when you get a bunch of young adults on their own who barely even know how to buy groceries.
Justina: For some reason I feel attacked.
Justin: They just don’t know how the world works.
Justina: Are you sure you’re not getting too riled up over someone buying a Christmas tree early?
Justin: Nah. I’m not a rotting pumpkin level.
Justina: No rotting pumpkins!
Justin: There is one exception to the tree deal.
Justina: I’m not going to ask.
Justin: I guess if you’re going away a week or two before Christmas.
Justina: That’s a surprisingly sensible take given the source.
Justin: But really, who would travel on Christmas?
Justina: …Many people?
Justin: That’s exactly why. Moreover, there’s a philosophical case against dragging Christmas into November.
Justina: That was more along the lines of what I was expecting in the first place.
Justin: I always try to live down to your expectations.
Justina: Speaking of Christmas, what do you want this year?
Justin: Much like two years ago, you’re not viewing this as a growth opportunity.
Justina: I hate you. Now I remember how you didn’t send me a Christmas card until February.
Justin: You didn’t check your mail!