Against the tendency of purportedly American companies to export CCP censorship abroad.
I review an anime series primarily for its interesting concept… but it is a decent series in its own right, granting its faults.
I remain undecided whether to interpret this as an inflatable egg dressed as a bunny, a bunny dressed as an egg, or a hitherto undiscovered egg-bunny.
Making the case for whitelisting Seznam and other good crawlers from independent index search engines.
A positive review of a particular sunscreen brand and its easy-to-use re-fill pouches (mostly about what I great job I did on the re-fill).
Notes on an issue I ran into involving WordPress’s native lazy loading and WP Super Cache preload.
Contrary to EGM’s 2002 April Fools claims, Sonic and Tails were not, in fact, in SSB Melee (but they may have almost been)
Let’s see what was happening at The New Leaf Journal in March 2023.
A children’s story on the exhaustion of staying still.
A comprehensive review of the recently completed anime series, “The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten”
Reviewing a tool for cross-device syncing contacts, calendars, tasks, and feeds locally with Syncthing instead of a central server or service.
Justin discovers a provision lurking in the hidden, unwritten, U.S. immigration laws.