A stream of consciousness about anime romances that highlight big height/size differences (and office anime rom-coms too).
Making the case for a feed reader + read-it-later solution as an online reading alternative to social media and services like Google and Apple News.
We cover our first outdoor St. Patrick’s Day decoration (seen in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn).
The news that GLBSUNION and CUZMAK carbon monoxide monitors are defective leads Justin to wonder whether anyone can be trusted.
When tech goes from a tool to enhance the classroom to a means to transform the classroom.
A 2000 article about choosing to design a game for Game Boy instead of Nintendo 64 made me think about games on limited hardware generally.
I did not realize that when a site directed me to create a password with one number and one symbol, it meant that my password must have a single number and a single symbol.
Where ICE in lieu of ice is an amusing typo…
Justin says that every boy had a dinosaur fight tier list. But does that include Justin?
All it took was properly configuring and running Fluidsynth and loading three ALSA kernel modules.
A boat playground(?) seen on an apartment building in DUMBO from the Brooklyn Bridge.
Recapping our 15 new articles, 19 short posts, and most-read content from February 2023.