If Bing blacklists a site in its index from appearing to searchers, will it still use the site to inform its ChatGPT implementation? A simple question for Microsoft.
A poem wherein a lonely man laments that he cannot find a woman who would marry him and stay at home with him.
When you purchase a digital ebook in one format only to have Amazon replace it with an inferior format.
A moral story warning children against repeating bad things that they hear about others.
I knew I had heard the ending song of The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten somewhere. Here, I discover where.
A strategy guide in story form to preemptively dealing with an annoyance in Tiki’s paralogue in Fire Emblem Engage.
Yet another lesson on what happens when you fail to read the fine print. Properly removing pages from Yandex Turbo edition.
Our busiest month in some respects…
The story of how two New Leaf Journal authors rescued a pigeon in need.
A poem about noses out of joint.
In honor of our being blacklisted by Bing (and as a result, DuckDuckGo), an essay on their Chinese Communist Party problem.
I take a look at National Park Typeface, a project to bring the aesthetic of National Park signs to your local computer.