After two years, I learn that Google Webmaster (or Search Console) integrates with regular Google Search.
To be clear, FrogFind is a search engine for USE ON vintage computers.
Justin and Justina investigate reports of skunks in Staten Island – Justin, of course, has a theory.
The tech version of timeless sports debates about whether A could beat B.
A poem by Margaret E. Sangster about robins and unfinished food.
Justin and Justina examine an article about alpacas and a cure for a certain virus, and conclude with an alpaca dating sim.
How the depictions of emojis put third parties in control of individual speech.
On the strengths and limitations of current Fediverse networks and the future of decentralized social media.
A satirical article by The Babylon Bee about Elon Musk’s Twitter saga inspires a piece on Twitter, content curation, and (of course) RSS/Atom feeds.
When buyers are renters, a society of (digital) renters.
A School Days heroine comes back from the dead to take up VTubing.
A death mask of the fifth President of the United States, James Monroe.