Justin of our Justin and Justina dialogue duo articulates his strong preference for BC/AD over BCE/CE while on a Brooklyn walk with disinterested Justina.
〜Walking with the great stoic philosopher on a snow-filled day in Brooklyn〜
Three charming pictures from Brooklyn Heights and Cobble Hill in the aftermath of Winter Storm Gail.
“[T]he big breaths of rough air blown over the heather filled her lungs with something which was good for her…”
Reviewing a beautiful haiku by Kaga no Chiyo which uses the changing of season from autumn to winter to depict unrequited love.
〜Nick and Victor recommend six pieces of content from around the web for your enjoyment〜
As we approached the end of 2020, I made the case that 2020 was the end, rather than the beginning, of a decade properly conceived — for decades AD are 1 to 0 rather than 0 to 9.
〜An epic New Leaf Journal Pokémon Draft Battle between Ferrell and Gurbo coming in early 2021〜
Victor V. Gurbo lists the most important Bob Dylan songs by five-year intervals from 1960 through 2020.
Do not tell he who will command 30 legions that he knows nothing and should take leave to paint gourds.
Wherein I diagnose problems with the contemporary fact-checking industry and advance principles for fact-checking reform.
Economist Thomas Sowell remembered his late friend and fellow economist Walter Williams as a great educator who was always objective in the classroom.