Victor V. Gurbo examines the differences between Lead Belly’s classic Goodnight, Irene, and The Weavers’ version – complete with his and Mark Caserta’s rendition.
A comprehensive review of the artbook for the original PlayStation 2 version of Persona 4.
Our week in review wishes you a safe and happy Independence Day.
Calvin Coolidge tells an interesting story about the rescue of a shipwrecked Japanese boy and the beginning of U.S.-Japan relations.
〜Mr. Envelope wants you to sign up〜
On July 4, 1888, Benjamin Harrison accepted the Republican nomination for president from his home, and then received some special guests.
Celebrating Thomas Sowell’s 90th birthday with one of his many incisive insights.
I had a “back in my day” moment when I saw a Nintendo Switch Joy-Con grip with a designated phone holder.
Examining the philosophical implications of the man with the hose who uses too much water while cleaning New York City sidewalks.
〜Sign in〜
We leave our caching problems behind as we walk toward greener pastures.
〜Sure thing. Plenty of sugar and cream, right?〜