On March 8, I bid farewell to a snowy winter in New York City. In that post, I wrote:
Since it snowed often from December to February, I thought that I ought to tempt fate and give the snow a proper sendoff.
Eight days later, fate responded not with vengeance, but rather with a whimper.
After temperatures flirted with 70 degrees over the weekend, they plummeted to highs in the mid-30s on Tuesday, March 16, 2021. While the temperatures were as low as I expected from having read the weather reports, I had not expected snow.
As I was walking in the Carroll Gardens neighborhood of Brooklyn New York, I noticed small, dust-sized white particles falling sporadically from the sky. After about 30 seconds I was satisfied that I was not hallucinating – it was in fact snowing.
To say that the snow had little regard for my expectations would not be entirely accurate. These tiny, ineffectual snowflakes made little impression for the four or five minutes they flit down from the clouds. They ceased almost as soon as they had begun.

If a tree falls in the forest…” I thought of that right after the snow stopped. Had I not decided to take a mid-afternoon walk, I would not have known that it briefly snowed at all. I could have lived in bliss thinking that my farewell to the snow from March 8 had held up perfectly. Alas, it was not meant to be.
Months ago, I wrote a humorous dialogue on how to prepare for a 5% chance of rain. I leave you with a more pressing question – how do you prepare for no chance of snow?