I usually post New Leaf Journal articles in the evening and schedule them for the next morning. I planned to do so today, but by the time I sat down to work on a short article, it was already late. When it is late, I often turn to an old book or magazine from Project Gutenberg. On other occasions, I will turn to my imaginary pair of friends, Justin and Justina. However, a quick and limited Project Gutenberg search did not give me an idea. Justin and Justina are still tired from last week’s article. I was at a dead end. Dead end? Eureka! Victor just edited a picture of a dead end sign in Red Hook that I took in spring 2020. (A standing sign, unlike some unfortunate stop signs that we have covered before.)

I took this photo of a dead end sign with my BlackBerry Classic phone camera in Red Hook, Brooklyn, at 1:05 PM on June 14, 2020. While June may sound like summer, June 14 is technically still spring. The location was at the end of either Walcott Street or Sullivan Street.
Beyond the fence and the water, you can see the lovely Governor’s Island.
I have a decent-sized stockpile of interesting photos from Red Hook, Brooklyn, and I look forward to sharing them in the coming weeks and months.
But for now, this content reaches an early end – much like Walcott Street or Sullivan Street in the featured image.