Photo of a red car on Roosevelt Island with the Queensboro Bridge and Manhattan in the background. Taken by N.A. Ferrell on June 8, 2019.

Photo of a red car on Roosevelt Island with the Queensboro Bridge and Manhattan in the background.  Taken by N.A. Ferrell on June 8, 2019.
Photo taken by N.A. Ferrell and edited by V. Gurbo.

That picture came mere hours after I took a picture of the New York Post printing facility in the Bronx. I was en route from the Bronx to Brooklyn with friends, including my New Leaf Journal colleagues. There are quite a few pictures from that day that I recovered from a corrupted SD card, and you will surely see more within the confines of The New Leaf Journal. As for the journey, my adventure ended early in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The problems started when we decided to take the tram from Roosevelt Island to Manhattan after having walked to Roosevelt from Queens. I do not do well with being on moving vehicles, and vertigo had more or less done me in by the time we had walked from Manhattan to Long Island City, Queens. But I digress. That is a story for another day.

As almost always, I asked Victor to edit the photo for me. As he tends to do, he also created an additional black and white version of the picture – which you can see below.

Black and white photo of a red car on Roosevelt Island with the Queensboro Bridge and Manhattan in the background.  Taken by N.A. Ferrell on June 8, 2019.
Photo taken by N.A. Ferrell and edited by V. Gurbo.

Which photo is better? The black and white is classy, but I think that the redness of the car is striking. We may need a version of the photo where everything is black and white except for the car – that might be interesting. Consider this an official photo request to our distinguished photo editor, Victor V. Gurbo.

Looking back, I not only remember the nice picture, but also one of the final moments on that epic walk before the ill-fated tram ride.