On September 12, 2023, I came across a thirsty goose drinking from a puddle in Brooklyn Bridge Park. I told the story of this encounter and posted four photos of the thirsty goose in a separate article. This article is part two of the thirsty goose saga.

We left off with the goose having taken a drink from a puddle. The goose, having completed its second drink (I only saw two, it may have been there for longer) found that its thirst was not yet quenched. It went for another sip.

A goose prepares to drink from a puddle in Brooklyn Bridge Park.


A goose drinks from a puddle in Brooklyn Bridge Park.


A goose swallows after drinking water from apuddle in Brooklyn Bridge Park.

After the goose swallowed the water, it appeared to express its satisfaction with the offering.

A goose looks satisfied after drinking from a puddle in Brooklyn Bridge Park.

The goose did not make a sound, but this scene reminded me of those old Coca Cola commercials where people take a sip of Coke and then make a dramatic ahh sound.

(Are those still around? I have not seen a commercial in years.)

Unlike paid actors and actresses, however, the goose received no commercial incentive for saying ahh after taking a sip. It probably did not even know it was on camera. The water was just that refreshing.