“The trees leaf in May” (and so does The New Leaf Journal)
Recounting the heroic last stand in Constantinople of the last Emperor of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire, Constantine XI.
Five new articles, updates on our social media presence, social sharing options, and miscellaneous site improvements.
Victor V. Gurbo sets out to answer a very important question about The New Leaf Journal.
When Google’s errors tend in one direction.
“In the land he loved next to his own he will always lie, content that he gave his all to a cause that was so near to his heart.”
Re-touched photos of an April 2020 military flyover of New York City.
In opposition to a depressing proposed Senate resolution.
Our most recent articles and news about our Facebook page, RSS feed, and upcoming newsletter.
I came across a downed stop sign on a walk in Vinegar Hill Brooklyn. After photographing it with my BlackBerry Classic camera, I decided to conduct a full investigation (or postmortem).
Boston Police employ a peacock maiting call to wrangle a renegade bird.
Responding to Victor V. Gurbo’s TikTok story with a simple mantra: Tik Tok NO.