I present to you an inspiring story of human ingenuity from the Boston Police Department regarding a peacock.

Early in the morning of May 11, 2020, two police officers from the Boston Police Department were patrolling the area of the Franklin Park Zoo.  An individual notified the officers that an animal had escaped from the Zoo.  The report explains that the officers “were met by an extremely large, slightly intimidating, and quite beautiful, male peacock.” 

(Note:  I must submit for the record that peacocks are, by definition, male.)

Definition of peacock clipped from Century Dictionary - clarifies Boston Police peacock story in noting that peacocks are always male.
Definition of “peafowl” clipped from The Century Dictionary. The author added the highlight for emphasis. Peacocks are male. Peahens are female.

How did the officers respond to the frightening peacock standoff?  The Boston Police Department explains in its brief article:  “An officer on scene relied on his quick wit to track down a peacock mating call on his cell phone, successfully luring the bird into a fenced-in-yard where he waited patiently for the arrival of Boston Animal Control.”

Thus, the standoff between bird and blue ended happily, with no injuries on either side.  The officers did well to come up with such an ingenious solution to corral the “extremely large, slightly intimidating” wayward peacock.  As for the “quite beautiful” peacock himself, we can only hope that he finds a lovely peahen in the near future.