A super-category for personal anecdotes and stories from New Leaf Journal authors and writers.
The visor makes the Florida man.
My very short (but arguably successful) reign as a Naver Webmaster.
Two stickers for every voter.
Harry Wilson is spending a ton of money to win my vote.
Join me for a walk (in photographs) across Brooklyn’s Hamilton Avenue Footbridge.
Hypothetical tasks are more memorable than real tasks.
Examining views in Japan on whether one should sit through the credits of a movie.
I saw a man walking down a New York City sidewalk in bare feet. Now that I saw it, you have to read about it.
The profundity of the eraser that turned six (happy birthday to us).
The title is the excerpt.
A reminder that mourning doves and common pigeons are closely related – and very similar if you’re a sparrow.
Victor V. Gurbo names all of his video game characters RICHARD NIXON. I had this in mind when I saw a NIXON truck.