Below, you will find a very brief (fictional) SMS message exchange between Justin and Justina, two similarly-named friends. I have covered their numerous Brooklyn adventures here at The New Leaf Journal in an ongoing article series.
(Justin and Justina are a fictional New Leaf Journal dialogue duo created by New Leaf Journal editor Nicholas A. Ferrell. Their dialogues cover their strange, sometimes random conversations (usually) in Brooklyn, New York. If you enjoy this dialogue, you can find many (over 50) more in our Justin and Justina Collection hub.)
We pick up the dialogue with Justin sending Justina an SMS message while walking over Brooklyn’s Gowanus Canal, which is known for being heavily polluted. Justina only has limited time to deal with Justin’s nonsense about seagulls growing thumbs because she is at work, making the forthcoming dialogue brief.
Dialogue: The Seagulls Will Grow Thumbs

Justin: Justina! I’m disturbed.
Justina: I’m working. What is it?
Justin: Just saw twelve seagulls gliding in circles over the Gowanus Canal at the 3rd Street crossing.
Justina: Ok.
Justin: Do you know what this means!?
Justina: No.
Justin: They’re going to grow thumbs! Thumbs!
Justina: Oh, is this a joke about the Canal being polluted?
Justin: It’s no joke!
Justina: I thought you said they were making some progress cleaning it up.
Justin: They are. That’s why the seagulls are only growing thumbs. If you asked me six months ago, I would have said that the seagulls would also manifest knees.
Justina: Alright, I’m going back to my work now.
Justin: Good luck. I’m going to thumb-wrestle a seagull.